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The Find [Full Movie]∸: Nakhodka Film Gde Snimali

▵The Find [Full Movie]: Film Kotoryj Snimali V Bobrujske Mozhet Poluchit Oskar Bobrujsk Novosti The Find [Full Movie]∸: Nakhodka Film Gde Snimali 〖^DvdRip#〗 aka (Nakhodka 2015) "Learn to forgive others, and get forgiveness to yourself. In the forgotten taiga village lives a gloomy and unsociable Trofim Rusanov, senior fishing inspector. He is used to the fact that each day is filled with routine. But one day, on his usual round through the wood, Trofim faces a shocking discovery. He finds a baby in an abandoned forest house. For several days he wanders around the severe uninhabited taiga, fighting both for his life and the life of the little child. Finally, Trofim finds the way home... He wants to find a woman who left a baby in the forest. It takes for him a superhuman effort to find the baby's mother. But this long quest leads him to another, completely different find" film genres: Drama.

Film Chernyj Dozhd Moi Nahodki Pro Film◬

The Find

Nahodka 2015 Film Informaciya O Filme Rossijskie Filmy I Serialy Kino Teatr Ru

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Title : Находка / Находка
Year : 2015
Runtime : 100 min.
Genre : Drama
Stars : Aleksey Guskov, Nadezhda Markina, Anastasiya Shevelyova, Stanislav Kisilevskiy, Mariya Sokova

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Story : Learn to forgive others, and get forgiveness to yourself. In the forgotten taiga village lives a gloomy and unsociable Trofim Rusanov, senior fishing inspector. He is used to the fact that each day is filled with routine. But one day, on his usual round through the wood, Trofim faces a shocking discovery. He finds a baby in an abandoned forest house. For several days he wanders around the severe uninhabited taiga, fighting both for his life and the life of the little child. Finally, Trofim finds the way home... He wants to find a woman who left a baby in the forest. It takes for him a superhuman effort to find the baby's mother. But this long quest leads him to another, completely different find

The Find [Full Movie]∸: Nakhodka Film Gde Snimali 2 Находка Film S Jovovich Snyali S Prokata V Kitae Iz Za Shutki Pro Koleni Kino Mail Ru Находка Nahodka 2015 Film Informaciya O Filme Rossijskie Filmy I Serialy Kino Teatr Ru Находка Nahodka Vikipediya Находка Serial O Kotorom Vse Govoryat Gde V Berline Snimalsya Hod Korolevy Kultura I Stil Zhizni V Germanii I Evrope Dw 23 11 2020 Находка Rossijskij Film Nahodka Voshel V Programmu Myunhenskogo Kinofestivalya Ria Novosti 07 06 2016 Находка Recenziya Na Film Nahodka Находка Film Chernyj Dozhd Moi Nahodki Pro Film Находка Murmanskij Kalendar 21 Aprelya Film Tainstvennaya Nahodka Stal Odnim Iz Pervyh Opytov Raboty Stanislava Rostockogo V Kino Находка Film Nahodka 2015 Smotret Onlajn Besplatno V Horoshem Hd 1080 720 Kachestve Находка Film Kotoryj Snimali V Bobrujske Mozhet Poluchit Oskar Bobrujsk Novosti Находка Levyj Bereg Kak V Lipecke Snimali Film O Poteryannom Pokolenii Kultura Aif Chernozeme Находка

Film Chernyj Dozhd Moi Nahodki Pro Film

Находка Recenziya Na Film Nahodka

Film Kotoryj Snimali V Bobrujske Mozhet Poluchit Oskar Bobrujsk Novosti

Film Kotoryj Snimali V Bobrujske Mozhet Poluchit Oskar Bobrujsk Novosti

Film Kotoryj Snimali V Bobrujske Mozhet Poluchit Oskar Bobrujsk Novosti

Drama: Film Kotoryj Snimali V Bobrujske Mozhet Poluchit Oskar Bobrujsk Novosti≈

Film Nahodka 2015 Smotret Onlajn Besplatno V Horoshem Hd 1080 720 Kachestve Serial O Kotorom Vse Govoryat Gde V Berline Snimalsya Hod Korolevy Kultura I Stil Zhizni V Germanii I Evrope Dw 23 11 2020 Nahodka Vikipediya 2 Recenziya Na Film Nahodka Levyj Bereg Kak V Lipecke Snimali Film O Poteryannom Pokolenii Kultura Aif Chernozeme Film S Jovovich Snyali S Prokata V Kitae Iz Za Shutki Pro Koleni Kino Mail Ru Rossijskij Film Nahodka Voshel V Programmu Myunhenskogo Kinofestivalya Ria Novosti 07 06 2016 Murmanskij Kalendar 21 Aprelya Film Tainstvennaya Nahodka Stal Odnim Iz Pervyh Opytov Raboty Stanislava Rostockogo V Kino Film Kotoryj Snimali V Bobrujske Mozhet Poluchit Oskar Bobrujsk Novosti Nahodka 2015 Film Informaciya O Filme Rossijskie Filmy I Serialy Kino Teatr Ru Film Chernyj Dozhd Moi Nahodki Pro Film Recenziya Na Film Nahodka

Film Chernyj Dozhd Moi Nahodki Pro Film

Film Kotoryj Snimali V Bobrujske Mozhet Poluchit Oskar Bobrujsk Novosti

Nahodka 2015 Film Informaciya O Filme Rossijskie Filmy I Serialy Kino Teatr Ru

Recenziya Na Film Nahodka


Film Nahodka 2015 Smotret Onlajn Besplatno V Horoshem Hd 1080 720 Kachestve

Murmanskij Kalendar 21 Aprelya Film Tainstvennaya Nahodka Stal Odnim Iz Pervyh Opytov Raboty Stanislava Rostockogo V Kino

Serial O Kotorom Vse Govoryat Gde V Berline Snimalsya Hod Korolevy Kultura I Stil Zhizni V Germanii I Evrope Dw 23 11 2020

Film S Jovovich Snyali S Prokata V Kitae Iz Za Shutki Pro Koleni Kino Mail Ru

Nahodka Vikipediya

Levyj Bereg Kak V Lipecke Snimali Film O Poteryannom Pokolenii Kultura Aif Chernozeme

Rossijskij Film Nahodka Voshel V Programmu Myunhenskogo Kinofestivalya Ria Novosti 07 06 2016

The Find [Full Movie]∸: Nakhodka Film Gde Snimali Film Kotoryj Snimali V Bobrujske Mozhet Poluchit Oskar Bobrujsk Novosti Film Kotoryj Snimali V Bobrujske Mozhet Poluchit Oskar Bobrujsk Novosti